O Maus Hábitos Vila Real resulta de um esforço para descentralizar a produção e programação cultural das grandes cidades. Inaugurado em Janeiro de 2022, conta com uma programação musical e artística, integrada com o espaço fundador do Porto. Situado no Café-Concerto do Teatro de Vila Real, utiliza também o espaço da galeria e oficinas das Artes do Teatro para expandir a programação artística, com projectos que envolvem artistas desde o local ao internacional.
Armazém 22 is a project by Kale Companhia de Dança.
Structure financed by Direção-Geral das Artes / Ministério da Cultura (Directorate-General for the Arts / Ministry of Culture) for the 2020/2021 biennium.
R. de Guilherme Braga 38, 4400-174 Vila Nova de Gaia
Casa Comum is a space located on the first floor of the Rectory of the University of Porto that aims to make a difference in the city's cultural offer with a program that varies between concerts, performances, film festivals, open classes, seminars, workshops…
Praça de Gomes Teixeira, Porto
Situated in the 4th floor of a typical grey and rose Art-Déco building in the center of Porto, Maus Hábitos is a creativity-driven organisation with an artistic program, a restaurant, a bar, open spaces and independant discourses that enable people to keep on learning, experimenting and rocking in a free world.
Street Passos Manuel 178 4º Floor, Porto
The exhibition hall hosts varied artistic projects of national and international artists and collectives, both of a more experimental and more solid nature. Also, it is a space for conversations, book launches and other actions.
Street Passos Manuel 178 4º Floor, Porto
The Showroom is a multidisciplinary room that can host concerts, performances, cinema, or clubbing. It has its own PA, stage and lighting system suitable for various areas of entertainment.
Street Passos Manuel 178 4º Floor, Porto
Salão Nobre is Maus Hábitos area that doubles as a restaurant and a bar. It also hosts presentations of books, conferences and small artistic installations and sometimes even serves as an exhibition venue.
Street Passos Manuel 178 4º Floor, Porto
The Mupi Gallery is a gallery dedicated to the image. Is was inaugurated in 2015 May in the foyer of the Maus Hábitos showroom, which has since hosted a wide range of solo exhibitions by local and international artists in different states of emergency.
Street Passos Manuel 178 4º Floor, Porto
The Aquarium is a smaller esplanade attached to the exhibition room that can works as a support for this room and also serves to other activities such as performance or installation. It has a large area of glass allowing the view from the outside to the interior of the space.
Street Passos Manuel 178 4º Floor, Porto